Welcome from REALTORS® across Canada
Trusted resources for U.S. citizens looking to buy Canadian real estate

Canada is a desirable destination for US property buyers due to its proximity to the US, stable economy, and similar banking and property ownership systems. Canada’s spectacular scenery, laid-back lifestyle, political and social stability, and ease of cross-border travel and financial transactions make it popular for those seeking investment opportunities, vacation property, or second homes.

More about Canadian Housing Market

MLS® Home Price Index
With the MLS® Home Price Index (HPI), you can access data about the residential markets of participating real estate boards across Canada. There’s no better tool to determine price trends in the housing market.
Monthly Stats
Each month at midpoint, CREA provides its members, as well as the general public, with resale data from the previous months to inform members and the public.
Quarterly Forecasts
After each quarter, CREA revises its forecast for provincial and national sales activity and average home prices, taking into account new housing market data, as well as changes in the outlook for interest rates and the macroeconomy.
National Average Price Map
This map displays the latest statistics for major markets and provinces across Canada, based on the Multiple Listing Service® reports provided by real estate Boards.


If you're looking for a home, choosing a REALTOR® should be your first step.

REALTOR.ca can help connect you with REALTORS® to find a neighbourhood that’s the right fit for you!

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Buying Real Estate in Canada

Buyer's Roadmap
House Hunting Checklist
Dream House Checklist
Commercial Properties Checklist

Why choose a Canadian REALTOR®

Canada is home to one of the most sophisticated, mature and reliable real estate sectors in the world, with clear property rights, rigorous professional standards and a trusted land registry and title system.

Working within that sector are highly qualified, trained and licensed real estate professionals who carry the REALTOR® designation, ready to help you conduct real estate transactions in Canada. All of which makes this an excellent country in which to do business.

About REALTOR.ca

REALTOR.ca is Canada's most popular and trusted real estate platform displaying residential and commercial listings from REALTORS® across the country. It is important to note that REALTOR.ca is not an MLS® System. It is an advertising website that The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) created to give REALTORS® across Canada great listing exposure to a national and international audience.

The listing content advertised on REALTOR.ca comes from the various MLS® Systems operated by Real Estate Boards and Associations across Canada. REALTOR.ca is paid for by REALTORS® and is owned and operated in their interest by CREA.

Financial Tools

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